The Hill Scan is a bi-weekly digest of information targeted to the needs of our clients.
Our clients identify key issues (trade, natural resources, international aid, etc.) and we provide them on a bi-weekly basis a list of all the information that they require in order to make informed decisions.
We look at:
- Parliamentary debates (House of Commons and Senate);
- Parliamentary committees (House of Commons and Senate);
- Departmental news (news releases, speeches, announcements);
- Reports (government and parliamentary reports);
- News networks (electronic, printed).
We provide summaries of the information that is relevant to our clients with links to the key sources of information.
This enables our clients to quickly understand what is happening, where to get more information and how to react.
We provide our analysis of the political and governmental situation.
The way it works:
- Our clients identify key issues of interest
- We monitor for information relevant to them
- We provide bi-weekly reports targeted to their needs.