iStock_000014568548SmallEither federal or provincial Flagship can help you navigate the complex world of government and reach the decision makers. Whether advocating for major change or you need advice on a funding proposal or procurement process – we’re here to help.

The process and the approach you take are crucial to obtaining positive results.

And that’s what we do well.

For us, a successful outcome is about delivering tangible results.

parliamentWe have:

  • Undertaken research on key issues (trade, transportation, education, procurement, etc.)
  • Prepared position papers for various clients (briefing notes, fact sheets, portfolios, decks, etc.)
  • Organized consultations and outreach to stakeholders to support our clients’ positions on specific issues
  • Made presentations and/or prepared our clients to make these presentations in front of: House of Commons and Senate committees, Ministers, political staff, senior bureaucrats, government consultative groups and committees, etc.
  • Organized and/or advised on media and outreach campaigns to support our objectives. This included (but was not limited to) organizing press conferences, outreach, petitions, phone campaigns and even demonstrations!

All this was done to help our clients achieve their objectives.