Summer (comms!) Cleaning

June 20, 2016

The lazy, hazy days of summer are finally here – welcome to Summer 2016!

While most of us think longingly of paddling, gardening, beaches and setting up our out-of-office signatures – the 24/7 communications world never stops.

Summer is a great time to tidy up the clutter of your communications.

Take a good look at your website, and archive older and less relevant material. Update it with more recent images to showcase you or your clients from the past few months.

On the social media front, planning can be your best friend. Schedule those tweets at the beginning of the week so your content is fresh even if you aren’t in the office.

Now is also a good time to audit your communications activities. It doesn’t have to be a formal exercise. Whiteboard where you’re putting your effort, and where you’re reaping the most reward. A little bit of brainstorming now will serve you down the road – and help you refresh before Fall rolls around (yes, I mentioned the F-word).

One last thing. If you have a summer student, tap into what the next generation is thinking about your brand. Technology preferences and tools change so quickly, and there’s no better time to get insider perspective on how to refine your message.

All for now! #ilovesummer


Alyson Queen is Director, Communications and Stakeholder Relations at Flagship Solutions